Urban, Kidman Welcome new baby girl

Nicole Kidman and her husband, Keith Urban, have added a second daughter to their family, born via a surrogate mother in the America.

The Australian couple today announced the arrival of Faith Margaret Kidman Urban, born on December 28 at a Nashville, Tennessee, hospital.

Faith was born at the Centennial Medical Centre under a veil of secrecy, involving the celebrity couple booking out the entire top floor of the hospital and secretly entering the facility via a staff-only service elevator.

Kidman and Urban are Faith's biological parents. Initial reports had said the baby girl was born last week. Kidman and Urban released a statement thanking everyone for their support.

"Our family is truly blessed, and just so thankful, to have been given the gift of baby Faith Margaret," the couple said.

"No words can adequately convey the incredible gratitude that we feel for everyone who was so supportive throughout this process, in particular our gestational carrier."

Urban and Kidman, both 43, were married in 2006 and have another daughter together, Sunday Rose, 2.