Jessica Biel's Diet Plan

If you love jessica biel figure and want to look same like jessica, then you need know Jessica Biel diet plan.

Orange juice Glass
Slice of whole-wheat toast with one can of sardines in tomato sauce
Apple juice Glass
Omelette made with three egg whites, filled with tomatoes
Glass of grapefruit juice.

Mid-morning snack:
Banana or unsalted almonds

Four ounces of lean chicken, with small handful of whole-wheat pasta and chopped vegetables.
Half a baked potato filled with tuna and corn.
Serve with salad of green leaves dressed with lemon and teaspoon olive oil.

Mid-afternoon snack:
Tablespoon mixed seeds
Piece of fruit.

Medium-sized salmon fillet
baked in foil with lemon or lime juice and teaspoon olive oil
Mashed sweet potatoes broccoli and carrots.
Small cup of low-fat yogurt for dessert.

Small grilled lean pork steak with roasted vegetables.
Fruit salad topped with three teaspoonfuls low-fat cream.
Four ounces diced lean meat or Quorn with stir-fried vegetables and whole-wheat noodles or brown rice.

Evening snack:
Two whole-grain crisp breads or oatcakes topped with hummus.
Glass of fruit juice.